- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:ADM 8.1A CH-8
- Old Directive Number:ADM 8.1A CH-8
- Title:Change 8 to OSHA Directives System Manual
- Information Date:

OSHA Instruction ADM 8.1A CH-8 August 26, 1991 Office of Human Resources and Organizational Management
Subject: Changes to OSHA Directives System Manual
A. Purpose. This instruction transmits a revised OSHA Draft Clearance Request, OSHA 83 form (11/90 edition).
B. Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide.
C. Action.
- 1. Originators of OSHA National Office directives must start using
immediately the attached revised OSHA 83, Draft Clearance Request when
preparing proposed directives for clearance.
- 2. Remove pages I-1, I-2, and III-1 through III-12 from OSHA
Instruction ADM 8.1A and replace with the attached changed pages.
- 3. File the transmittal pages of this instruction after change
seven transmittal page for OSHA Instruction ADM 8.1A.
D. Explanation of Change.
- 1. Concurrence of OSHA directives is no longer assumed if the
clearance is not received by the deadline date specified on the OSHA 83
- 2. Originators of proposed directives must receive a response from
each office listed (item three) on the OSHA 83 form.
E. Copies. Copies of the revised OSHA 83 form may be obtained from the Division of Organizational Management and Human Resources Planning, Room N3618.
David C. Zeigler Director Administrative Programs
Distribution: National, Regional and Area Offices
A. Purpose. This chapter introduces the OSHA Directives System.
B. Applicability. This instruction applies to all organizational elements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
C. Scope. The OSHA Directives System communicates the following types of information:
- 1. Mandatory. When material fits into any of the following
categories, issue it as a directive, following the guidelines and procedures
contained in this manual:
- a. Establishes policy or procedure.
- b. Delegates authority or assigns responsibility.
- c. Establishes or changes organizational structure.
- d. Revises or cancels another directive.
- e. Establishes a report or form.
- 2. Optional. you may issue announcements and requests for
comments, approval, or information in the directives system.
- 3. Exclusions. You may not issue the following types of
information in the OSHA Directives System:
- a. Publications issued primarily for the public.
- b. News releases.
- c. Routine correspondence.
D. Definitions.
- 1. Directive. A written communication which initiates or governs
action, conduct, or procedure. In OSHA, directives are issued as either
instructions or notices.
| 2. Directives Coordinator. The official designated by | the Assistant Secretary to coordinate National | Office directives which affect field activities. | The Director, Office of Field Programs, is | designated the OSHA Directives Coordinator.
- 3. Directives Liaison Officer. The designated official within
each OSHA Directorate, Regional Office, or Area Office responsible for
administering the OSHA Directives System for that office.
- 4. Directives Management. An element of records management
dealing with the information systems used to communicate policy and procedure
to agency employees. This includes the development and prompt distribution of
directives that are complete, easily understood, readily accessible, and
| 5. Directives Officer (DO). The official responsible | for the overall administration of the OSHA | Directives System. The Chief, Division of Organizational Management and Human Resources Planning is designated the OSHA Directives Officer.
- 6. Directives System. The primary means for management to issue
policy or procedure to OSHA personnel.
- 7. Instruction. An OSHA directive which transmits information
which has continuing value, commonly referred to as "permanent" information.
You may issue an instruction as a manual whenever the material is over 20
pages long or whenever other special requirements dictate this
A. Purpose. This chapter prescribes responsibilities, guidelines, and procedures for coordinating and clearing OSHA directives.
B. Responsibilities.
- 1. Assistant Secretary or Deputy Assistant Secretary. The
Assistant Secretary or Deputy Assistant Secretary will:
- a. Sign (or delegate signatory authority for) national
- b. Approve (or delegate approval authority for) superseding
normal coordination and clearance procedures to issue emergency directives.
(See paragraph D.3., Emergency Release.)
- 2. Originator. The originator of a directive will:
| | a. Prepare OSHA 83 (Revised November 1990), OSHA | Draft Clearance Request. (See Figure III-3, | page III-11 for completed sample form OSHA 83.)
- b. Distribute the draft directive to internal and/or external
offices for review and comment.
- c. Collect, review, and integrate comments in a final draft
- d. Submit the final directive for signature, all copies of
OSHA 83, all comments received from internal and/or external offices, and any
other background materials, to the Directives Officer (national directives)
or Directives Liaison Officer (office directives).
- 3. Clearance Officers. Clearance Officers will respond to
requests for comments on draft directives within specified time
- 4. Directives Coordinator. The Directives Coordinator
- a. Coordinate collection and review of comments on proposed
directives which affect OSHA field activities.
- b. Submit integrated field comments to the
- 5. Directives Officer. The Directives Officer will ensure that
national directives are coordinated and cleared properly.
- 6. Directives Liaison Officers, Each Directives Liaison Officer
will ensure that directives | within his/her jurisdiction are
coordinated and cleared properly.
C. Guidelines.
- 1. General. Be selective in clearing draft directives outside the
originating office. Clearance is mandatory if the subject matter relates to
any of the offices listed in Figure III-1, Mandatory Clearance Table, page
III-8. Include organizations that are:
- a. Responsible for programs, standards, or procedures affected
by the draft directives,
- b. Administratively or legally responsible for reviewing the
draft directive.
- c. Required to take or modify action as a result of the draft
- 2. Within the Department of Labor
- a. Within OSHA.
- (1) National Directives. Clear national directives which
affect the activities or functions of another OSHA national or field office
with that office.
- (2) Office Directives. Clear office directives which
affect the activities or function of other organizations or individuals with
those organizations or individuals.
- b. Office of the Solicitor. Clear the following regulatory
materials with the Office of the Solicitor.
- (1) Any construction or interpretation of laws or
- (2) Any citation of laws or regulations as the authority
for a legal position.
- (3) Any other statement expressing an opinion on a matter
of law, legal rights, or liabilities.
- 3. Outside the Department of Labor.
- a. Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Appropriate off ices
of OMB must clear national directives which implement OMB
- b. Other Federal Agencies. Clear with other Federal agencies
those directives which affect those agencies' programs. Refer to
arrangements between the Assistant Secretary and the heads of other Federal
- c. State and Local Governments. Chief executives of State and
local governments may comment on major proposed directives which directly
affect any of the following:
- (1) Interstate and intergovernmental relation ships (e.g.,
State-State, State-local, and interlocal).
- (2) Designations of agencies within State or local
- (3) Organizations, planning, personnel, or fiscal
activities of State or local governments.
- (4) Roles and functions of heads of State or local
D. Coordination Procedures.
- 1. Informal. Originators should informally coordinate draft
directives and exchange comments and suggestions with affected counterparts
before submitting the proposed directive for formal clearance.
- a. Preliminary Agreements. As you develop a proposed
directive, carry on discussions with affected offices at a high enough level
to permit firm agreements. This will expedite clearance, but does not
constitute final clearance.
- b. Coordination. Informal coordination should enable
clearance officers to act promptly when they receive draft directives for
formal review and clearance. It should also avoid additional detailed review
of material already discussed during the developmental stage.
- c. Office Directives. When office directives supplement a
national directive, you may informally coordinate with the originating
National Office and with the Directives Coordinator.
- 2. Formal Clearance. Figure III-2, National Directives Processing
Procedures, page III-10, shows the steps involved in formally coordinating
and clearing draft national directives. (The process for clearing office
directives will be established by each office and explained in their office
directive on directives.) In an emergency, these procedures may be
temporarily bypassed. (See paragraph D.3, Emergency Release.)
- a. Originator.
- | (1) Completes items 1 through 6 on OSHA 83 | (Rev.
November 1990). See Figure III-3, page | III- 11.
- (2) In item 5, allow 10 working days for clearance within the
National Office.
- (3) Prepares enough copies of OSHA 83 and draft directive to
circulate concurrently to all clearance officers within the national office,
including the Directives Coordinator and the Labor Management
- (4) Checks off on each copy of OSHA 83 (item 3) the name of the
clearance office to which that copy goes.
- (5) Sends copy of the OSHA 83 and draft directive to each
clearance office in the National Office.
- b. Directives Coordinator (Office of Field Programs).
- (1) Determines whether field coordination is
- | (2) Informs originator that field coordination | is
necessary and requests a new due date. | (See paragraph b.(4) below.)
| (3) If field coordination is necessary, completes items 1 through 6 on the
OSHA 83.
- (4) In item 5 of the OSHA 83, allows 15 working days for field
- (5) Copies and distributes the OSHA 83 and draft directive as
necessary to field offices.
- c. Labor Management Relations Officer.
- | (1) Determines whether consultation with Local | 12 or
the NCFLL is required. | | (2) Indicates whether consultation is required
| in item 7 and completes 8, 9 and 10 on the | OSHA 83. | |
(3) If consultation with Local 12 or the NCFLL | is required,
coordinate with directorates.
- (4) Returns OSHA 83 directly to originating office (item
- d. Clearance Officers in National Office.
- | (1) Review draft directive. | | (2) Complete items
7, 8, 9 and 10 on the OSHA 83. | (See Figure III-3, page III-11.)
| | (3) Return the OSHA 83 with comments directly to |
originating office (item 6).
- e. Clearance Officers in the Field.
- (1) Review draft directives.
- | (2) Complete items 7, 8, 9 and 10 on the OSHA 83. | |
(3) Return the OSHA 83 with comments to the Directives Coordinator through
channels determined by Regional Administrator.
- f. Directives Coordinator.
- (1) May consolidate field comments.
- (2) Submits the OSHA 83's received from the field to the
originating office (item 6).
- g. Originator.
- | (1) Reviews and reconciles any comments noted in |
item 7 on the OSHA 83. | | (2) Revises draft directive as
- (3) Prepares directive in final form, in consultation with the
Directives Liaison Officer.
(4) If external clearance (except Union) is | required, initiates required clearances. | | (5) Sends FINAL directive, KEY words and | appropriate CFR references for directives | index, cross-reference sheets as needed, all | copies of OSHA 83, other materials received | from clearing offices, and other background materials, to the Directives Officer.
- h. Directives Officer.
- (1) Reviews final directive to ensure compliance with OSHA
Directives System.
- (2) Routes final directive to approving official for
- (3) Places all other materials received from originating
office in the historical directive file. (See Chapter VII,
- i. Approving Official.
- (2) Signs final directive, or requests
- j. Directives Officer.
- (1) If approving official has requested revisions, returns
directive to Directives Liaison Officer in originating office to coordinate
necessary changes.
- (2) If directive has been signed, places a signed copy in
the historical directive file.
- (3) Forwards original of signed directive to Director,
Office of Administrative Services.
- k. Director, Office of Administrative Services.
- (1) Reproduces and distributes directive. (See Chapter V,
Reproduction and Distribution).
3. Emergency Release. In emergencies, directives may be issued without going through normal coordination and clearance procedures. The originating office must obtain approval to bypass normal procedures from the Assistant Secretary (for national directives), or the Directorate head or Regional Administrator (for office directives). After emergency release, the directive must then be cleared according to normal procedures and reissued.
Subject Category Clearance Office(s)
- ADM Directorate of Administrative Programs
- ADC Office of Information and Consumer Affairs
- BUD Directorate of Administrative Programs
| CPL Directorate of Compliance Programs | Office of Management Data Systems | | DIS Directorate of Compliance Programs | | FAP Directorate of Compliance Programs
- FIN Directorate of Administrative Programs
- LEG Directorate of Policy
- OFF Directorate of Administrative Programs
- PER Directorate of Administrative Programs
- PER 5-5 Equal Employment Opportunity Staff
- PRO Directorate of Administrative Programs
- PBM Directorate of Administrative Programs
- PAE Directorate of Compliance Programs
- PUB Office of Information and Consumer Affairs
- REP Directorate of Administrative Programs
- RSH Directorate of Policy
- STD Directorate of Safety Standards Programs
| | Directorate of Technical Support | | STP Directorate of Federal and State Operations
- TNR Directorate of Technical Support
| TED Directorate of Federal and State
- Operations
| All affecting Office of Field Programs | Field | | All Federal Directorate of Federal and State | Program Operations | Changes | | All Office Of Human Resources and | Directives Organizational Management | (Labor Management Officer)
- Division of Human Resources and Organizational
Management (Directives Officer)
|1. Originating Office. Enter the name of the office | originating the
directive. | |2. Date. Record the date the directive is sent out for |
clearance. | |3. Clearance Office. Enter the names and offices of the |
clearance officials. The Directives Coordinator must be | included,
unless the directive obviously does not affect | the field. | |4. Subject
of Clearance. Enter the subject of the proposed | directive. | |5.
Deadline Date. Specify the date by which clearance | officers must
respond to the proposed directive. | |6. Originating Office Contact.
Specify a person who can be | contacted for questions or responses on the
| |7. Concurrence. Check one or both boxes, as appropriate. | |8.
Clearance Office Contact. Enter the name, office, room | number and
telephone number of the clearance office | contact. | |9. Clearance
Officer Signature. Clearance officer specified | in item 3 signs his or
her name in item Q. | |10. Date Cleared. The date the clearing officer signs
Item | #9.