- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:AOC 00-00-001
- Old Directive Number:COM 4.3
- Title:OSHA Technical Manual Committee - Functions And Responsibilities.
- Information Date:

OSHA Instruction COM 4.3 March 10, 1995 Office of Science and Technology Assessment
Subject: OSHA Technical Manual Committee - Functions And Responsibilities
A. Purpose. This Instruction establishes the OSHA Technical Manual Committee (OTMC) and outlines its functions and responsibilities.
B. Scope. This Instruction applies nationwide.
C. Action. National Office Directors and Regional Administrators (RAs) shall ensure that the functions and responsibilities established in this Instruction are followed.
D. Federal Program Change. This Instruction describes a Federal program change to which no State response is required. However, each RA shall:
- 1. Ensure that this change is promptly forwarded to each State designee.
- 2. Explain the content of this Instruction to the State designee as requested.
- 3. Advise the State designees that if they wish to provide input into the development of the OSHA Technical Manual (OTM), they may do so through the Regional Administrator.
E. Background. The OSHA Technical Manual Committee was informally established as an ad hoc group to facilitate field input into the management and development of the OTM. It serves as a vital link between the field and the Office of Science and Technology Assessment to ensure that the development of the OTM is consistent with the field's needs. Through document reviews, meetings, conference calls and discussions, the OTMC effectively provides major input toward the Agency's development of technical practices and procedures for incorporation into manual chapters.
F. OTMC Membership. The core membership of the OTMC shall consist of balanced representation to reflect the interests of the National Office and the field and shall be organized as follows:
- Chairperson - named by the Assistant Secretary, generally a regional administrator.
- Director, Office of Science and Technology Assessment.
- An elected OSHA employee representative.
- One member from the Office of Training and Education.
- One member from each Federal Agency participating in the Development of the OTM.
- Four to ten field representatives selected by the Chairperson in coordination with other Regional Administrators.
- In addition to the core members, the National Office Directorates and Offices will be invited to participate in the OTMC meeting discussions on issues of common interest.
G. OTMC Functions. The OTMC shall provide input regarding the development and management of the OTM as follows:
- 1. The Committee functions primarily as an advisory technical and management team to support the Office of Science and Technology Assessment in administering the program.
- 2. The OTMC shall solicit input from the field, the National Office, and other Federal and State users of the Manual regarding improvement of and priority subjects for the OTM.
- 3. The OTMC shall prepare an annual work plan based on input from the field, the National Office, and participating Federal Agencies outlining priority subjects for the development of the OTM.
- 4. OTMC shall ensure that recommendations and plans for developing the OTM reflect the Agency needs.
- 5. The OTMC shall provide a preliminary review of the draft chapters for conformance with the scope of the Manual and the objective of the proposed chapter.
H. Responsibilities.
- 1. OTMC Chairperson.
- a. The Chairperson shall establish meeting schedules in coordination with the Director, Office of Science and Technology Assessment.
- b. The Chairperson shall assist in making resources available for OTMC.
- c. The Chairperson shall select an Acting Chairperson, generally from the field, to chair the OTMC in his/her absence.
- 2. Regional Administrators.
- a. Shall, as much as possible, contribute necessary technical resources to support the development of the OTM.
- b. Shall serve as OTMC Chairperson, when selected.
- c. Shall nominate field representatives for the OTMC.
- d. Shall coordinate with the States to solicit and obtain input for the development of the OTM from States and Consultation Programs that wish to participate.
- 3. Director, Office of Science and Technology Assessment.
- a. Shall oversee the development of the OTM.
- b. Shall implement the OTMC Annual Plan.
- c. Shall, in coordination with the OTMC Chairperson, revise the OTMC Annual Plan to ensure consistency with the latest Agency priorities.
- d. Shall assure the best utilization for financial and personnel resources to support the development of the OTM.
- e. Shall prepare briefings for the Assistant Secretary.
- f. Shall notify the Offices of State, Consultation, and Federal Agency Programs about plans to draft chapters for the OTM so they can notify the States and other Federal agencies to give them an opportunity to submit their input.
- g. Shall provide periodic reports on the status of the OTM to the OTMC.
- 4. Office of Training and Education.
- The Director shall appoint a representative to the OTMC to ensure coordination of training activities in the development of the OTM.
I. Criteria for Preparing Annual OTM Development Plans.
- The OTMC shall use input from the field, National Office, and other Federal and State participants in preparing an Annual OTM Development Plan. The following factors shall be included in the selection criteria:
- 1. Performance standards which may need supplemental technical information to assist in hazard evaluation and control.
- 2. Existing chapters that should be updated to be consistent with the latest scientific findings.
- 3. Unique safety and health issues for which guidance is needed.
- 4. Technical guidance required for sampling and testing in connection with site evaluation.
Assistant Secretary
Distribution: National, Regional and Area Offices All Compliance Officers State Designees NIOSH Regional Program Directors 7(c)(1) Project Managers