• Record Type:
    OSHA Instruction
  • Current Directive Number:
    CPL 02-00-002
  • Old Directive Number:
    CPL 2.2
  • Title:
    American Red Cross Agreement
  • Information Date:
  • Standard Number:



To: Regional Administrators, National Office Directors, Area Office Directors and District Supervisors.

Subject: American Red Cross Agreement

1. Purpose

To provide guidelines for National and Field Offices' personnel and staff regarding the American Red Cross Agreement.

2. Documentation Affected

This directive supplements the instructions in CHapter XIII and XVIII of the Compliance Operations Manual.

3. Agreement

A statement of understanding has been reached between the Secretary of Labor and the president of the American Red Cross regarding first-aid training requirements and courses. The agreement provides an immediate source of knowledgeable and qualified personnel and training capabilities in first aid through the American Red Cross.
a. The Red Cross agrees to expand first-aid training resources and will adapt courses to meet the needs of different work environments.
b. Red Cross Chapters, Divisions and Areas will assist in distributing information relating to first-aid training services available to employers and employees.
c. Additionally, the Red Cross will designate liaison personnel to work with the National Office and Regional Administrators; and will provide the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with pertinent information on its training courses and related review material.

4. Action

a. Policy
Persons who have a current training certificate in the American Red Cross Basic, Standard or Advanced First Aid Course shall be considered as adequately trained to render first aid in

OSHA Instruction CPL 2.2 October 30, 1978 -2-

fulfilling the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Subpart K., Medical and First Aid (29 CFR 1910.151(b)), The American Red Cross Standard Course is the recommended MINIMUM level of first-aid training.
b. National Offices and Regional Administrators shall:
(1) Establish appropriate liaison with national, area, division, and chapter offices of the American Red Cross; and
(2) Assure current and future State programs include appropriate recognition and implementation of this policy.
c. First-aid courses by other organizations are recognized by OSHA if found satisfactory. Regional Administrators shall evaluate such courses.

5. Effective Date.

This instruction is effective immediately and will be incorporated into the next scheduled revision of the Compliance Operations Manual.
Preston T. Farish Director Office of Program Operations
    DISTRIBUTION: National Office             Field
                   A/Sec. (3)                   Regional Administrators (3)
                   Dep. Asst./Sec.(2)           ARA Technical(2)
                   Spec. Asst. (1)              ARA Compliance (2)
                   Directors(3)                 ARA State (1)
                   SOL (1)                     Area/District Offices
                   BLS (1)                     Training Institute (4)
                   Review Commission (6)       Professional Staff(1)
                   HEW (1)                     Designated State Agencies(1)
                   Program Operations          NIOSH Regional Program
                    OCC Professional Staff(15)  Directors(1)
                    OCS Professional Staff(30) SOL Regional Attorneys(1)
                    OCS Tech. Centers(1)       Review Commission Regional

American Red Cross National Headquarters Washington, D.C.
(Originator: OCCO)