- Record Type:OSHA Direction
- Current Directive Number:DIR 2021-01(CPL-03)
- Title:National Emphasis Program – Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- Information Date:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidance relating to recommended precautions for people who are fully vaccinated, which is applicable to activities outside of healthcare and a few other environments. OSHA is reviewing the recent CDC guidance and will update our materials on this website accordingly. Until those updates are complete, please refer to the CDC guidance for information on measures appropriate to protect fully vaccinated workers.
This document is currently only available in: PDF

Important Dates for the COVID-19 National Emphasis Program. March 12, 2021 - Federal OSHA: NEP becomes effective, complaints/referrals and follow-up inspections begin. March 26, 2021 (2 weeks after NEP) - Federal OSHA: NEP targeting/programmed inspections begins. May 12, 2021 (60 days after NEP) - State Plans: State Plans inform OSHA of their intent. After May 12, 2021 (open-ended) - State Plans: If a State Plan adopts the NEP, they must submit documentation of their policy to OSHA within 60 days of adoption.