Directives - Directive Number
OSHA Directives are written statements of policy and procedure on a single subject, which generally include implementation guidelines and responsibilities for the Agency's affected offices.
Instructions available here are not standards, regulations, or any other type of substantive rule. No statement in these Instructions should be construed to require the regulated community to adopt any practices, means, methods, operations, or processes beyond those which are already required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) (29 USC § 668) or standards and regulations promulgated under the OSH Act.
- National - STD 01-01-001 [STD 1-1.1] - Defining the Term "Nominal Diameter" - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-03-001 [STD 1-3.1] - Citation for 5(a)(1) Violation when 29 CFR 1910.68 is Inapplicable - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-03-002 [STD 1-3.2] - Hunt-Pierce Servi-Lift #9-271 Aerial Lift - 03/21/1979
- National - STD 01-03-003 [STD 1-3.3] - Building Anchors Used for Intermittent Stabilization of a Suspended Powered Platform in Window Washing Operations - 11/01/1982
- National - STD 01-03-003 [STD 1-3.3 CH-1] - Page Changes for OSHA Instruction STD 1-3.3 - 11/12/1985
- National - STD 01-04-001 [STD 1-4.1] - OSHA Coverage of Ionizing Radiation Sources Not Covered by Atomic Energy Act of 1954 - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-04-002 [STD 1-4.2] - Classification of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Standards - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-002 [STD 1-5.2] - Drainage, Dikes, and Walls for Aboveground Tanks (29 CFR 1910. 106(b)(2)(vii)) - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-004 [STD 1-5.4] - Application of Section 1910.106, Flammable and Combustible Liquids and Particulary Diking Requirements of ... - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-008 [STD 1-5.8] - 29 CFR 1910.104(b)(3)(iii), Oxygen; Bulk Oxygen Systems; Distance Between Systems and Exposures; Fire Resistive ... - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-009 [STD 1-5.9] - 29 CFR 1910.106(a)(14), "Flashpoint" -- Acceptable Method of Determining Flashpoints - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-010 [STD 1-5.10] - Clarification of 29 CFR 1910.107(b)(5)(i) Average Air Velocity of Spray Booths - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-011 [STD 1-5.11] - Uniformity in Interpretation of 29 CFR 1910.107(b)(5)(iv) and 29 CFR 1910.107(f)(1) - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-012 [STD 1-5.12] - 29 CFR 1910.109, Explosives and Blasting Agents, Proposed Standards Modifications - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-013 [STD 1-5.13] - 29 CFR 1910.106(h)(8)(iii); or, 29 CFR 1910.107(g)(3); or, 29 CFR 1910.108(f)(2) -- Relative to Metal Waste Cans - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-05-014 [STD 1-5.14A] - U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Exemption Which Allow Shipment of Combustible and Flammable Liquids in Polyethylene - 10/24/1980
- National - STD 01-05-015 [STD 1-5.15] - 29 CFR 1910.106(e)(2)(ii)(b), Clarification of the Quantity of Liquid That May be Located Outside of an Inside Storage - 11/09/1979
- National - STD 01-05-016 [STD 1-5.16] - Venting LP-Gas to the Atmosphere - 10/16/1980
- National - STD 01-05-018 [STD 1-5.18A] - Acceptance of U.S. Department of Transportaion Exemption DOT-E 8845 - 07/12/1994
- National - STD 01-06-001 [STD 1-6.1] - Application of 29 CFR 1910.132(a) to the Retail Food Industry - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-06-005 [STD 1-6.5] - Exemption for Religious Reason from Wearing Hard Hats. - 06/20/1994
- National - STD 01-07-002 [STD 1-7.2] - 29 CFR 1910.145(d)(10), Slow-moving Vehicle Emblem Requirements - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-08-002 [STD 1-8.2] - 29 CFR 1910.151(c), Medical Services and First Aid; 29 CFR 1926.50 and .51, Medical Service and First Aid, and ... - 03/08/1982
- National - STD 01-09-001 [STD 1-5.1] - Fire Protection System Spraying - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-09-002 [STD 1-9.2] - 29 CFR 1910.157(f)(2),(f)(2)(i) and (f)(4) Hydrostatic Testing of Dry Chemical Cartridge Portable Fire ... - 08/05/1981
- National - STD 01-09-003 [STD 1-9.3] - 1910.156(e)(3)(ii) Fire - Resistive Coat Requirements for Fire Brigades - 12/12/1981
- National - STD 01-10-001 [PUB 8-1.5] - Guidelines for Pressure Vessel Safety - PDF - 08/14/1989
- National - STD 01-10-002 [STD 1-10.2] - Drains on Air Receivers; 29 CFR 1910.169(a)(2)(i) and (6)(2) - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-11-003 [STD 1-11.3] - 29 CFR 1910.178(m)(6) Powered Industrial Trucks; Truck Operations - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-11-004 [STD 1-11.4] - 29 CFR 1910.178(g)(2); Battery Charging Stations for Fork Lifts and Other Industrial Trucks - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-11-006 [STD 1-11.6A] - Disparity Between 29 CFR 1910.178(c)(2)(vii) and Table N-1, 29 CFR 1910.178(c)(2) - 02/19/1979
- National - STD 01-11-007 [STD 1-11.7] - 29 CFR 1910.178(k)(1) and (m)(7): Mechanical Means to Secure Trucks or Trailers to a Loading Dock - 08/05/1981
- National - STD 01-12-001 [STD 1-12.1] - Defining Acceptable Guarding of Fan Blades - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-004 [STD 1-12.4] - Caution Labeling of Radial Saws: 29 CFR 1910.213(h)(5) - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-005 [STD 1-12.5] - Acceptable Guarding for Circular Meat Cutting Saws: 29 CFR Section 1910.212(a)(3)(ii) - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-006 [STD 1-12.6] - 29 CFR 1910.218 Forging Machines - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-007 [STD 1-12.7] - 29 CFR 1910.217 and 29 CFR 1910.212; Applicability of Platen Presses - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-008 [STD 1-12.8] - 29 CFR 1910.215(a)(4), Abrasive Wheel Machinery Work Rests - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-009 [STD 1-12.9] - 29 CFR 1910.212 General Requirements for all Machines - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-010 [STD 1-12.10] - Application of 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1) to Food Waste Disposal Equipment - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-014 [STD 1-12.14] - Clarification of 29 CFR 1910.219, the Terms "Enclosed" and "Fully Enclosed", as applying to Power Transmission Belts - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-015 [STD 1-12.15] - 29 CFR 1910.213(a)(4), Woodworking Machinery Requirements - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-017 [STD 1-12.17] - 29 CFR 1910.213(h)(1), Radial Saw Guards - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-018 [STD 1-12.18] - 29 CFR 1910.213(c)(l) and (h)(1), Woodworking Machinery Guarding Requirements - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-019 [STD 1-12.19] - Application 1910.212(a)(1) to Sewing Machines in the Light Apparel Manufacturing Industries - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-020 [STD 1-12.20] - 29 CFR 1910.217(b)(3)(i), Mechanical Power Presses Single Stroke Mechanism Requirements - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-021 [STD 1-12.21] - 29 CFR 1910.217 Mechanical Power Presses, Clarifications - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-12-022 [STD 1-12.22] - 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(3)(ii) Point of Operation Guarding for All Machines as Applied to the Hand-Fed Engraving Presses Used ... - 01/02/1979
- National - STD 01-12-023 [STD 1-12.23A] - Guarding of Three-Roller Printing Ink Mills - 07/12/1994
- National - STD 01-12-024 [STD 1-12.24] - Clarification and Interpretation of 29 CFR 1910.217, Mechanical Power Press, as Applies to the Safeguarding. - 07/30/1979
- National - STD 01-12-025 [STD 1-12.25A] - Awareness Barriers Installed on Metal Cutting Shears - 07/12/1994
- National - STD 01-12-026 [STD 1-12.26A] - Abrasive Operation Using Cutoff Wheels and Masonry Saws - 09/26/1994
- National - STD 01-12-027 [STD 1-12.27] - Applicable Standards As They Pertain to Iron Workers and Mechanical Power Presses - 06/30/1981
- National - STD 01-12-028 [STD 1-12.28 CH-1] - Alternative Abatement Methods of 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1) and (a)(2) As Applied to the Oil and Gas Drilling Industry - 02/14/1983
- National - STD 01-12-028 [STD 1-12.28] - Alternative Abatement Methods of 29 CFR 1910.212(a)(1) and (a)(2) As Applied to the Oil and Gas Drilling Industry - 02/07/1983
- National - STD 01-13-001 [STD 1-13.1] - Reduction of Air Pressure below 30 psi for Cleaning Purposes - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-13-002 [STD 1-13.2A] - Explosive Actuated Fastening Tools - 12/09/1985
- National - STD 01-13-004 [STD 1-13.4] - Portable Belt Sanding Machines as Covered by 29 CFR 1910.243(a)(3) and 29 CFR 1926.304(f) - 08/05/1981
- National - STD 01-13-005 [STD 1-15.1] - Clarification of "Operations Which Involve Construction Work" as Related to Telecommunication Work - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-14-001 [STD 1-14.1] - Replacement Welding Tips - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-15-002 [STD 1-15.2] - 29 CFR 1910.265(d)(1)(iii)(b), Unloading Equipment and Facilities;Hydraulically Operated Log Handling Machines - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-15-004 [STD 1-15.4] - Interpretation of 29 CFR 1910.268(h)(8) Ladder Requirement Applying to Metal Manhole Ladders - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-15-005 [STD 1-15.5] - Clarification of 29CFR 1926.604(a)(2)(i) and (ii) Concerning the Applicability of 1/2-Inch Plastic Sheets as a Substitute for Open Mesh Material - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 01-16-007 [STD 1-16.7] - Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices -- Inspection Procedures and Interpretation Guidelines - 07/01/1991
- National - STD 01-23-004 [STD 1-23.4] - OSHA Medical Surveillance Regulations -- Genetic Testing - 08/22/1980
- National - STD 03-01-001 [STD 3-1.1] - Clarification of Citation Policy - 06/22/1987
- National - STD 03-04-001 [STD 3-4.1A] - De Minimis for Absence of a Flame Arrestor Screen in a Safety Can - 09/16/1980
- National - STD 03-06-001 [STD 3-6.1] - 1926.250(b)(1), Material Storage -- As Related to Interim Storage of Temporary Flooring Used in Steel Erection - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 03-06-002 [STD 3-6.2] - 29 CFR 1926.250.(b)(1), Material Storage -- As Related to Interim Storage of Concrete Forms and Shoring - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 03-08-001 [STD 3-8.1] - Welding, Cutting or Heating of Metals Coated with Lead-Bearing Paint - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 03-08-002 [STD 3-8.2] - 29 CFR 1926.350(a)(9) Securing of Compressed Gas Cylinders - 03/11/1981
- National - STD 03-10-006 [STD 3-10.6] - 29 CFR 1926.451(w) and 29 CFR 1926.451(a)(18) As Applied to Welding Required on Float or Ship Scaffolds - 08/16/1982
- National - STD 03-11-001 [STD 3-11.1] - Safety Monitoring Systems as it Applies to 29 CFR 1926.500(G)(1) - 03/08/1982
- National - STD 03-11-002 - Compliance Guidance for Residential Construction - PDF - 06/16/2011
- National - STD 03-12-001 [STD 3-12.1A] - 29 CFR 1926.550(a)(15)(i) Clearance Between Electrical Power Lines and Cranes - 05/09/1980
- National - STD 03-12-004 [STD 3-12.4] - Interpretation of "Normal Operating Conditions" for Overhead and Gantry Cranes, and Derricks - 02/08/1982
- National - STD 03-13-001 [STD 3-13.1] - Clarification of 29 CFR 1926.603(a)(8), Related to Tying Off Loft- Workers, Top-Men and/or Pile Monks - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 03-15-003 [STD 3-15.3] - 29 CFR 1926.705, Requirements for Lift-Slab Construction Operations -- Inspection Procedures and Guidelines - 03/01/1991
- National - STD 03-19-001 [STD 3-19.1] - 29 CFR 1926.902(d) Proposed Modifications to Explosives and Blasting Agents and Surface Transportation of Explosives - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 04-00-001 [STD 4.1] - Interpretations of: (a)-29 CFR 1928.51(a), Definitions "Agricultural Tractor." (b)-29 CFR 1928.51(b)(1), Rollover - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 04-00-002 [STD 4.2] - Low Profile Tractor - 10/30/1978
- National - STD 06-00-002 - Variance Program Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines - PDF - 07/15/2024
- National - STD 08-00-001 [STD 8.1] - Interpretation of Standards - 09/15/1980