• Record Type:
    OSHA Instruction
  • Current Directive Number:
    STD 01-04-001
  • Old Directive Number:
    STD 1-4.1
  • Title:
    OSHA Coverage of Ionizing Radiation Sources Not Covered by Atomic Energy Act of 1954
  • Information Date:
  • Standard Number:

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

June 26, 1973


To: All National Office Executive Staff and Regional Administrators

Subject: OSHA Coverage of Ionizing Radiation Sources Not Covered by Atomic Energy Act of 1954

Documentation Affected: None

1. Explanation

A. The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) has the authority to regulated source, by-product, and certain special nuclear materials. OSHA's authority to regulate radiation sources does not include those regulated by the A.E.C.
B. OSHA covers all radiation sources not regulated by A.E.C.
Examples of non-A.E.C. regulated radiation sources include X-ray equipment, accelerators, accelerator-produced materials, electron microscopes, betatrons, and some naturally occurring radioactive materials.
C. Where a State has an approved 18(b) plan the following will apply (any State that covers occupational health issues in their plan, will be required to cover radiation):
(1) States that have radiation coverage in their plan:
- Concurrent Federal and State coverage until Secretary of Labor relinquishes this enforcement authority under section 18(e) of the Act.

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

(2) States that do not have an approved plan or do not have radiation coverage in their plan:
- Only OSHA will apply to occupational radiation hazards, except that States with radiation standards directed primarily to public protection may also apply them to workplace hazards.

2. Action

All Regional Administrators and their Area Directors will consider the above explanation as guidelines in determining OSHA coverage of radiation sources. Where OSHA coverage applies (Item B above), inspections will be scheduled according to the general OSHA priorities. Any radiation hazards, covered by OSHA, discovered in the course of any inspection will be handled in the same manner as other hazards.
In States which have an agreement in effect with the Atomic Energy Commission (States listed in 29 CFR 1910.96(p)(3)(ii), plus Delaware and Nevada), employers may claim they are not subject to OSHA citation because of the provisions of 29 CFR 1910.96(p)(3)(ii). However, it is our understanding that State provisions under their A.E.C. agreements are at least as stringent as OSHA's. Hence, any violation of the OSHA standard will be presumptively considered a violation of a relevant State standard. Where the presumptions may be questionable in particular cases, consultation should be held with the State. Paragraph (p)(3)(ii) will not generally protect the employer from OSHA citation. A proposal to revise the radiation standard in 29 CFR 1910.96 is expected in 1973 and will include a proposal to delete paragraph (p)(3)(ii) from the standard to eliminate any confusion which it may now cause.
For example, a complaint to OSHA on excessive radiation exposure from an industry X-ray machine will be investigated by OSHA, even in A.E.C. Agreement States. The OSHA radiation standard, 29 CFR 1910.96, will apply in the Agreement States because any violation of this standard will be a violation of the States' laws, regulations or standards as well. Violation of the OSHA radiation standard discovered in the course of this or any other inspection will be cited just as any other hazard is cited.

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

(Three lines of text unreadable) geographical areas and should attempt to a close working relationship with them. Should there be any doubt that an employer in violation of 29 CFR 1910.96 is also in violation of State provisions, the Regional Administrator or Area Director may verify the violation with the State.

3. Filing

This directive is in effect immediately and will remain in effect until further notice.

Chain Robbins Deputy Assistant Secretary

DISTRIBUTION: National Office

A/Sec. (3) Dep. Asst./Sec (2) Spec. Asst. (4) Assoc. Admin. (1) Directors (3) SOL (35) BLS (1) Review Commission (6) Bur. of Radiological Health (Food & Drug Adm.)(4) Atomic Energy Commission (5) Off. of Standards Professional Staff (70) Regional Administrators (2) Area/District Offices (3) Training Institute (3) Regional Directors (1) SOL Regional Attorneys (1) Professional Staff (1)

(Originator: SO)

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978 Attachment ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION REGIONAL DIRECTORS



DIRECTOR : TELEPHONE : REGIONAL COVERAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J. P. O'Reilly 970 Broad Street Region I- Connecticut,Delaware, Newark, New Jersey 07102 District of Columbia, Maine, 201/645-3940 Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey,New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

Norman C. 230 Peachtree Street, NW Region II - Alabama, Arkansas, Moseley Suite 818 Canal Zone, Florida, Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Kentucky, Louisiana, 404/526-4503 Mississippi,North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Virgin Islands, West Virginia

B. H. Grier 799 Roosevlet Road Region III - Illinois, Indiana,

Glenn Dolyn, Illinois Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, 60137 Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin 312/853-4040

J. W. Flora 10395 West Colfax Avenue Region IV - Colorado, Idaho,

Room 200 Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Denver, Colorado 80215 Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, 303/837-4211 South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming

R. W. Smith 111 Bancroft Way Region V - Alaska, Arizona

Berkeley, California California, Hawaii, Nevada, 49064 Oregon, Washington 4147/041-3651

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978 Attachment RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH REPRESENTATIVES

REPRESENTATIVE : ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE : REGIONAL COVERAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Robert M. Hallisey 585 Commercial Street Region I - Connecticut,

Boston, Massachusetts Maine, Massachusetts, 617/223-3175 02109 New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

Ronald E. Bernacki 850 Third Avenue Region II - New Jersey,

Brooklyn, New York 11232 New York, Puerto Rico 212/788-5000

Robert Frankel 1204 U.S. Customhouse, Region III - Delaware,

Rm. 902B District of Columbia, Second and Chestnut Street Maryland, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Virginia, West Virginia 215/597-4506 19106

Joseph A. Brennan, 880 W. Peachtree St. N.W. Region IV - Alabama, Jr. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Florida, 404/526-3579 Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee

James A. Kraeger Rm. 1222 Post Office Bldg. Region V-Illinois,Indiana,

433 West Van Buren Street Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Chicago, Illinois 60607 Wisconsin 312/353-5096

J. A. McTaggart 500 South Ervay Street, Region VI - Arkansas,

Rm. 470B Louisiana, New Mexico, Dallas, Texas 75201 Oklahoma, Texas 214/749-2225

William H. Oates, 1009 Cherry Street Region VII - Iowa, Kansas,

Kansas City, Missouri Missouri, Nebraska 816/374-3817 64106

Bobby L. Dillard 500 U.S. Customhouse Region VIII - Colorado,

Denver, Colorado 80202 North Dakota, South 303/837-4917 Utah, Wyoming

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

REPRESENTATIVE : ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE : REGIONAL COVERAGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Morgan S. Seal Federal Office Building Region IX-Arizona,

50 Fulton Street California, Hawaii, Nevada, San Francisco, California Guam, American Samoa 415/556-2211 84102

David H. Flora Federal Office Building, Region X - Alaska, Idaho,

Rm. 5003 Oregon, Washington 909 First Avenue Seattle, Washington 98104 206/442-5740


Aubrey Godwin, Director Arthur T. Heubner, Asst. Dir. Compliance Division of Radiological Health Environmental Quality Division State Department of Public Health Dept. of Environmental Protection State Office Building Static Office Building Montgomery, Alabama 46104 Hartford, Connecticut 06115

Jonathan Scribner, Chief E. Lee Stein, Director General Engineering Section Office of Radiation Safety, Div. Ph.


Dept. of Environ. Conservation Dept. Health & Social Serivces Pouch 0 Jesse S. Cooper Memorial Bldg. Juneau, Alaska 99801 D and Federal Streets Dever, Delaware 19901 Donald C. Gilbert, Exec. Director Arizona Atomic Engergy Commission Chester L. Nayfiled, M.D., Admin. 1601 West Jefferson Street Rad. & Occupational Health section, Div. Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Dept. of Health & Rehabilitative Serv.

P.O. Box 210

E. Frank Wilson, Director Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Bureau of Environ. Health Serv. Department of Health Henry Copeland 4815 West Markham Street Radiological Health Serv. Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Dept. of Human Resources State Health Bldg.

Simon Kinsman, Ph.D., Chief Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Bureau of Radiological Health State Dept. of Public Health Sadamoto Iwashita, Chief 2151 Berkeley Way Occupational & Rad. Health Branch Berkelely, California 94704 Department of Health P.O. Box 3378 Jack C. Rogers, Director Honolulu, Hawaii 96801 Bureau of Occupational & Radiation Los Angeles County Health Dept. Michael Christie, Chief 313 North Figueroa Street Radiation Control Section Los Angeles, California 90012 Dept. of Health State House Robert D. Siek, Director Boise, Idaho 83707 Div. of Occupational & Rad. Health Department of Health Philip Brunner, Chief, Div. Rad. Health 4210 East 11th Avenue Dept. Public Health - 535 West Jefferson Denver, Colorado 80220 Springfield, Illinois 62706

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

Hal Stocks, Acting Dir. C. L. Campbell, Acting Dir. Division of Radiological Health Radiation Management Division Indiana State Board of Health Dept. Environmental Quality 1330 West Michigan Street Lucas State Office Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Robert C. Will, Chief Charles M. Hardin, Dir. Radiation Control Section Radiological Health Program Div. Environmental Health State Dept. of Health Dept. of Health 275 East Main Street State Office Bldg. Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 535 Kansas Avenue Topeka, Kansas 66603 B. Jim Porter, Director Div. Radiation Control Donald C. Hoxie Louisiana Board of nuclear Energy Health Engineering P.O. Box 44033 - Capitol Station Dept. of Health and Welfare Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804 State House Augusta, Maine 04330 Gerald S. Parker, Asst. to Commissioner Mass. Dept. of Public Health Robert E. Corcoran, Chief 80 Boylston St., Room 360 Div. of Radiation Control Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene State Office Bldg. Donald E. Van Farow, Chief 301 West Preston Street Radiation Section Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Dept. of Public Health 3500 North Logan Street Alice Dolezal, Acting Chief Lansing, Michigan Section of Radiation Control Dept. of Health Kenneth V. Miller, Acting Dir. 717 Delaware St., S.E. Bureau of Rad. & Occupational Health Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 Dept. of Public Health & Welfare, Div.

State Office Bldg.

Eddie S. Guente, Sup. Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Radiological Health Unit State Board of Health Larry L. Lloyd, Coor. Felix J. Underwood St Brd of Hlth Bldg Rad. Health Program P.O. box 1700 Dept. Health & Envir. Sciences Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Cogswell Bldg.

Helena, Montana 59601

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

H. Ellis Simmons, Dir. Aaron Bond, Chief Div. Environmental Safety Rad. & Occup. Hlth. & Air Quality Control Dept. of Health Environmental Improvement Agency 1003 "O" Street State of New Mexico - P.O. Box 2348 Lincoln Bldg. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Sherwood Davies, Dir.

William Horton, Asst. Chief Bur. of Radiological Health Bur. Environmental Health 845 Central Avenue State Dept. of Health & Welfare Albany, New York 12206 201 South Fall Street Carson City, Nevada 89701 F. J. Bradley, Py.D., Prin. Radiophy.

Rad. Hlth Unit, N.Y. State Dept. of Labor Forrest H. Bumford, Dir. Div. of Industrial Hygiene Radiation Control Agency 80 Centre Street Div. Public Health Serv. New York, New York 10013 State Dept. of Health & Welfare 61 South Spring Street Thomas J. Cashman, Dir. Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Bur. of Rad. Pollution Control N.Y. State Dept. Environ. Conservation John J. Russo, Cheif 50 Wolf Road Bur. Radiation Protection Albany, New York 12201 Div. Environmental Quality Dept. of Envir. Protection Saul J. Harris, Dir. P.O. Box 1390 Off. of Radiation Control John Fitch Plaza N.Y. City Dept. of Health Trenton, New Jersey 08625 325 Broadway N.Y., N.Y. 10007 Dayne H. Brown, Dir. Radiation Protection Program Gene Christianson, Dir. State Board of Health Div. of Environ. Engineering P.O. Box 2091 State Dept. of Health - Capitol Bldg. Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Bismarck, North Dakota 58501

James C. Wynd, Eng.-in-Charge J. Dale McHard, Dir. Radiological Health Unit Occup. & Rad. Hlth Div., St Dept. of 1030 King Avenue Hlth Columbus, Ohio 43212 3400 North Easter Avenue Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105

OSHA Instruction STD 1-4.1 October 30, 1978

Marshall W. Parrott, Dir. Heyward G. Shealy, Dir. Radiological Health Sec. Div. Rad. Health State Health Sec. State Board of Health P.O. Box 231 137 J. Marion Sims Bldg. Portland, Oregon 97201 Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Thomas M. Gerusky, Dir. Dennis Ridpath, Acting Chief Off. of Rad. Health Environ. Sciences Serv. Program Dept. of Environ. Resources State Dept. of Health P.O. Box 2351 State Capitol Harrisburg, Penn. 17120 Pierre, South Dakota 57501

B. C. Lucas, Acting Chief Robert H. Wolle, Dir. Occup. & Rad. Health Sec. Div. Indus. & Rad. Health Environ. Health Serv. Dept. Public Health Philadelphia Dept. of Public Hlth 727 Cordel Hull Bldg. 500 South Broad Street 6th Avenue, North Philadelphia, Penn. 19146 Nashville, Tenn. 27219

David Saldana, Acting Dir. Martin C. Wukasch, Dir. Rad. Health Program Div. Occup. Health & Rad. Control Dept. of Health State Dept. of Health 1306 Ponce de Leon Avenue-Stop 19 1100 West 49th Street Santurce, Puerto Rico 00908 Austin, Texas 78756

Joseph Wuraftic,Rad. Health Spec. Dennis Dalley, Chief Div. Occup. Health Rad. & Occup. Health Sec. Dept. of Health State Division of Health Health Dept. Bldg. 44 Medical Drive Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Salt Lake City, Utah 84118 Harry B. Ashe, Dir. Bryce P. Schofield, Dir. Div. Indus. Hygiene Bur. of Indus. Hyg. & Rad. Health Rad. Health Program Dept. of Health Dept. of Health 109 Gobernor Street P.O. Box 607 Richmond, Virginia 23219 Barre, Bermont 95641 Pedrito Francois, Dir. Div. Environ. Health, Dept. of Health Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Virgin Islands