- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:STD 01-06-001
- Old Directive Number:STD 1-6.1
- Title:Application of 29 CFR 1910.132(a) to the Retail Food Industry
- Information Date:
- Standard Number:
- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration WASHINGTON, D.C. 20210
July 9, 1976
- OSHA Instruction October 30 1978 STD
Subject: Application of 29 CFR 1910.132(a) to the Retail Food Industry
1. Purpose:
- The purpose of this directive is to clarify the application of the
personal protective equipment standard, 29 CFR 1910.132(a), to the cutting
hazard found in the meat departments of retail food stores.
2. Directives Affected:
- None
3. Background:
- A question has arisen as to the application of 29 CFR 1910.132(a) to
the cutting hazard found in meat department operations in retail food
markets. Retail meatcutters performing boning and breakdown work with knives
are exposed to the hazard of cuts to their hands. The danger of cutting
accidents associated with boning and breakdown is a result of the procedures
used in this type of work and of the possibility that a knife may slip, e.g.,
a knife may slip from a bone and into a meatcutters hand. In addition,
retail meatcutters performing breakdown work on hanging meat are exposed to
the hazard of cuts to the torso and legs. After conducting on-site visits and
after consulting employer and employee representatives of the retail food
industry, we have concluded that personal protective equipment, such as wire
mesh gloves and wire mesh or leather aprons, are required to protect retail
meatcutters from cutting hazards in the circumstances described
- 2
4. Action:
- The following instructions shall apply with respect to the issuance
of citation for violations of 29 CFR 1910.132(a) in the retail meatcutting
industry. Personal protective equipment such as wire mesh gloves or
equivalent protection shall be provided, used, and properly maintained in
retail food markets. Such personal protective equipment shall be worn by
meatcutters performing boning or breakdown work with a knife. Retail
meatcutters need not wear protective gloves where, while performing boning
and breakdown work, they are exposed to job demands which would require
frequent removal and replacement of the glove, such as job demands arising
out of customer service requests. Mesh gloves may not be worn by meatcutters
operating power equipment. Personal protective equipment such as wire mesh
aprons or equivalent protection shall be provided, used, and properly
maintained in retail food markets in order to protect retail meatcutters
engaged in breaking down hanging meat with a knife. The employer is required
to assure that the appropriate personal protective equipment is used by
employees engaged in the above activities. Appropriate citations and
penalties shall be issued by Compliance Safety and Health Officers when
personal protective equipment is not used in accord with this directive.
Regional Administrators are requested to advise the National Office of
Compliance Programming of any enforcement issues which arise out of the
implementation of this directive.
5. Effective Date:
- This directive is effective 90 days after date of issuance, and will
remain in effect until rescinded or revised.
Barry J. White Associate Assistant Secretary for Regional Programs
Distribution: A-1 B-2 C-1 D-4 & 5 Training Center