• Record Type:
    OSHA Instruction
  • Current Directive Number:
    STD 01-07-002
  • Old Directive Number:
    STD 1-7.2
  • Title:
    29 CFR 1910.145(d)(10), Slow-moving Vehicle Emblem Requirements
  • Information Date:
  • Standard Number:

OSHA Instruction October 30, 1978 STD 1-7.2



SUBJECT: 29 CFR 1910.145(d)(10), Slow-moving Vehicle Emblem Requirements

Reference: American Society of Agricultural Engineers Emblem for Identifying Slow-moving Vehicles, ASAE S276.3, June, 1976

1. Purpose

The purpose of this directive is to delete the last sentence of paragraph 3.a., "There is a difference of 2 inches in the width of the emblem."

2. Documentation Affected

This directive supersedes OSHA Program Directive #100-66 dated July 20, 1977.

3. Background

a. In June 1976, ASAE S276.2 (approved as ANSI B114.1-1971) was revised to ASAE S276.3. The performance and test requirements of the revised standard do improve the durability and fluorescence of the emblem. The major difference in the revised standard is that the addition of the manufacturer's name and address must be permanently marked on the face of the emblem, either lower center, or lower righthand corner. Markings may state that the emblem meets the requirements of ASAE S276.3. Total area used for markings will not exceed a 2-inch square. Trademarks, symbols, or other types of promotional communications are prohibited. Markings on portable emblems may be located on the reverse side of the backing material.


OSHA Instruction STD 1-7.2 October 30, 1978

b. OSHA has received and forwarded to the Director of Safety Standards Programs multiple requests for the adoption of the revised standard.

4. Action

All new emblems will be manufactured to the revised standard. Therefore, emblems meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.145(d)(10) will not be available. Until such time as the referenced standard is revised, emblems meeting the requirements of the revised standard, ASAE S276.3, will be considered de minimis and no citation shall be issued to employers utilizing them.

5. Effective Date

This directive is effective immediately and will remain in effect until canceled or superseded by standards changes.

Richard P. Wilson Deputy Director, Federal Compliance and State Programs

DlSTRlBUTION: A-1 E-1 B-2 HEW-1 C-1 NIOSH Regional Program Directors-1 D-4 & 5 NACOSH-1 Training Institute-4
