Shipyard Employment eTool
Hanging Staging (Marine) >> Preparing for Use: SWP 3. Develop a Job Hazard Analysis
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Preparing for Use
SWP 3. Develop a Job Hazard Analysis
Physical inspection precedes job hazard analysis.
Photo courtesy of OSHA.
Given the unique configuration of each vessel, employers will need to carefully plan the manner in which the marine hanging staging will be erected and used. After a physical inspection of the areas to be staged, the Qualified Person responsible for the staging installation should prepare a job hazard analysis (JHA).
An effective JHA will consider and address safety factors and conditions such as the reliability of overhead structural supports, the sizing and spacing of platform assemblies, the sequence of work to be performed, and fall protection strategies during installation, disassembly, and use.
A job hazard analysis will provide a consistent set of safe work practices for all workers and contractors who will use the marine hanging staging. The JHA will also inform and guide the crews who will erect and dismantle the staging and those who use it.
The Qualified Person will usually present and discuss the JHA with the different work crews.
View and/or print a sample JHA form for marine hanging staging.