Shipyard Employment eTool
Scaffolds (Staging) >> Other Types of Scaffolds

Other types of scaffolds used in the shipyard industry include:
- Suspended: Scaffolds suspended from above, which hang from rope, wire rope, or rigid supports. Examples include:
- Hanging staging [29 CFR 1915.71(h)]
- Boatswains chair [29 CFR 1926.452(o)(3)]
- Supported: Scaffolds supported from the ground, deck, or barge. Examples include:
- Tube and coupler [29 CFR 1926.452(b)]
- Fabricated frame (tubular welded frame) [29 CFR 1926.452(c)]
- Floating: This may be any type of supported scaffold temporarily or permanently mounted on a barge or float.
- Mobile [29 CFR 1926.452(w)]

Note: Aerial lifts and scissor lifts are used in the shipyard and have special operating requirements.
Before reviewing this section, refer to the General scaffolding requirements.
- Types of scaffolds that are not specifically identified in this section must meet the general requirements of paragraphs (b), (i), and (j) of this section, be in accordance with recognized principles of design, and be constructed in accordance with accepted standards covering such equipment. [29 CFR 1915.71(h)]