FOIA Responses:
- 9,400 High Rate Workplaces Receiving OSHA Letters (March 2013)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has identified and sent letters (letter13.html) to approximately 9,400 workplaces whose establishments are covered by Federal OSHA and reported to OSHA a 2011 "Days Away from work, Restricted work or job Transfer injury and illness" (DART) rate greater than the average rate for their industry.
The letter encourages employers to consider hiring an outside safety and health consultant, talking with their insurance carrier, or contacting the workers' compensation agency in their state for advice. An excellent way for employers with 250 or fewer workers to address safety and health is to ask for assistance from OSHA's on-site consultation program. The consultation program is administered by state agencies and operated separately from OSHA's inspection program. The service is free, and there are no fines even if problems are found. The letter tells the employer where the OSHA consultation program in that state may be contacted. The letter also encourages employers to consider developing and implementing injury and illness prevention programs as a proactive approach to find and fix workplace hazards before workers are hurt.
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