- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:45:54334
- Standard Number:
- Title:State Plan
- Abstract:
Approval of the supplement revising the Puerto Rico (PR), State plan, Region II, development schedule in 1952.383 which revises the dates in the developmental schedule for steps (a)-(m) and adds scheduling for on-site consultation regulations, the laboratory, poster, the boiler and elevator program, and staffing for consultation, laboratory, boilers, and elevators. The effective date is August 12, 1980.
Abstract: Approval of the supplement revising the Puerto Rico (PR), State plan, Region II, development schedule in 1952.383 which revises the dates in the developmental schedule for steps (a)-(m) and adds scheduling for on-site consultation regulations, the laboratory, poster, the boiler and elevator program, and staffing for consultation, laboratory, boilers, and elevators. The effective date is August 12, 1980.