- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Proposed Rule
- Fed Register #:49:6281
- Standard Number:
- Title:Crane or Derrick Suspended Personnel Platforms; Proposed Rule
- Abstract:
OSHA proposes to revise section 1926.550, Cranes and Derricks, of OSHA's construction industry standards, by adding a new paragraph (g). None of the other paragraphs of 1926.550 will be affected by this rulemaking. The use of a friction of hydraulic porta, tower, crawler, locomotive, truck, and wheel mounted crane or derrick to hoist employees on a platform is occasionally necessary due to worksite conditions. However, several accidents have occurred as a result of this practice, the most recent of which resulted in four fatalities at Tampa Stadium, Tampa, Florida, March 31, 1983. While OSHA's construction standards do cover the use of elevators, personnel hoists, and aerial lifts to hoist employees, they do not currently provide guidance concerning safe work practices while hoisting personnel platforms with cranes or derricks. This proposed regulatory action would remedy that lack of coverage by providing criteria for the allowance of such a practice as well as design, operational, inspection and testing requirements.
Abstract: OSHA proposes to revise section 1926.550, Cranes and Derricks, of OSHA's construction industry standards, by adding a new paragraph (g). None of the other paragraphs of 1926.550 will be affected by this rulemaking. The use of a friction of hydraulic porta, tower, crawler, locomotive, truck, and wheel mounted crane or derrick to hoist employees on a platform is occasionally necessary due to worksite conditions. However, several accidents have occurred as a result of this practice, the most recent of which resulted in four fatalities at Tampa Stadium, Tampa, Florida, March 31, 1983. While OSHA's construction standards do cover the use of elevators, personnel hoists, and aerial lifts to hoist employees, they do not currently provide guidance concerning safe work practices while hoisting personnel platforms with cranes or derricks. This proposed regulatory action would remedy that lack of coverage by providing criteria for the allowance of such a practice as well as design, operational, inspection and testing requirements.