- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:49:6717
- Standard Number:
- Title:Occupational exposure to cotton dust; Administrative stay
- Abstract:
The current OSHA cotton dust standard (29 CFR 1910.1043) requires that by March 27, 1984, all operations to which the standard applies must be in compliance with the permissible exposure limit using engineering and work practice controls. Pending completion of an ongoing review of the standard, OSHA is issuing a stay of the effective date of this provision for some operations of ring spinning of coarse count cotton yarns. During this period all other applicable provisions of the standard will apply. It appears that some coarse count cotton ring spinning operations will have feasibility problems coming into compliance by March 27, 1984, and the stay will give OSHA time to review the record and make final determination. This stay is effective from March 27, 1984 to September 27, 1984.
Abstract: The current OSHA cotton dust standard (29 CFR 1910.1043) requires that by March 27, 1984, all operations to which the standard applies must be in compliance with the permissible exposure limit using engineering and work practice controls. Pending completion of an ongoing review of the standard, OSHA is issuing a stay of the effective date of this provision for some operations of ring spinning of coarse count cotton yarns. During this period all other applicable provisions of the standard will apply. It appears that some coarse count cotton ring spinning operations will have feasibility problems coming into compliance by March 27, 1984, and the stay will give OSHA time to review the record and make final determination. This stay is effective from March 27, 1984 to September 27, 1984.