• Publication Date:
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  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Virginia (VA) State standards, Region III, to amend, correct and revise 1910.6-.262, Revocation of Advisory and Repetitive Standards; 1910.177(a) Servicing of Single-Piece and Multi-Piece Rim Wheels; and revocation of 1910.411, pertaining to medical requirements in commercial diving operations; and adoption of 1910.1200, Hazard Communication. Effective date: December 14, 1984.

Approval of Virginia (VA) State standards, Region III, to amend,
correct and revise 1910.6-.262, Revocation of Advisory and
Repetitive Standards; 1910.177(a) Servicing of Single-Piece and
Multi-Piece Rim Wheels; and revocation of 1910.411, pertaining to
medical requirements in commercial diving operations; and adoption
of 1910.1200, Hazard Communication. Effective date: December 14,