• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Final Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    Ethylene Oxide
  • Abstract:

    Adoption of a STEL for ethylene oxide (EtO) is not warranted by the available health evidence, and that a STEL is not reasonably necessary or appropriate for inclusion in the final EtO standard. OSHA reaffirms the need for and feasibility of the 1 ppm TWA and other provisions of the standard.

Adoption of a STEL for ethylene oxide (EtO) is not warranted by the
available health evidence, and that a STEL is not reasonably
necessary or appropriate for inclusion in the final EtO standard.
OSHA reaffirms the need for and feasibility of the 1 ppm TWA and
other provisions of the standard.