• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Alaska (AK) State standards, Region X, pertaining to Toxic and Hazardous Substances (1910.1000) which contains corrections that removes errors, omissions, and ambiguities from the tables of exposure limits for air contaminants. The State standards are identical to the Federal standards. The effective date of the decision is January 29, 1985.

Approval of Alaska (AK) State standards, Region X, pertaining to
Toxic and Hazardous Substances (1910.1000) which contains
corrections that removes errors, omissions, and ambiguities from the
tables of exposure limits for air contaminants. The State standards
are identical to the Federal standards. The effective date of the
decision is January 29, 1985.