- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Notice
- Fed Register #:50:3987
- Standard Number:
- Title:State Standards
- Abstract:
Approval of Alaska (AK) State standards, (Region X, pertaining to standards amendments to AAC 07., Article 1, Logging Code; Article 2, Sawmill Code; and Article 3, Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Mills Code. These amendments are at least as effective as the Federal standards. The effective date is January 29, 1985.
Abstract: Approval of Alaska (AK) State standards, (Region X, pertaining to standards amendments to AAC 07., Article 1, Logging Code; Article 2, Sawmill Code; and Article 3, Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Mills Code. These amendments are at least as effective as the Federal standards. The effective date is January 29, 1985.