- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Notice
- Fed Register #:50:24963
- Standard Number:
- Title:Variance
- Abstract:
Application was made by St. Joe Lead Company for permanent variance from certain provisions of the standard governing exposure to lead 1910. 1025. Relief is sought from the requirements in 1910.1025(e)(1), (e)(3) , (e)(4), (f)(1), (f)(2), (k)(1)(i)(C), (k)(1)(i)(D) and (k)(1)(iii)(a). The last date to comment and to request a hearing is July 15, 1985.
Abstract: Application was made by St. Joe Lead Company for permanent variance from certain provisions of the standard governing exposure to lead 1910. 1025. Relief is sought from the requirements in 1910.1025(e)(1), (e)(3) , (e)(4), (f)(1), (f)(2), (k)(1)(i)(C), (k)(1)(i)(D) and (k)(1)(iii)(a). The last date to comment and to request a hearing is July 15, 1985.