- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Notice
- Fed Register #:50:24961
- Standard Number:1910.1025(k)(1)(i)(D)
- Title:Variance
- Abstract:
Application was made by ASARCO, Inc. for a temporary variance and interim order from 1910.1025(k)(l)(i)(D)--occupational exposure to lead. Interim order was granted and became effective on April 17, 1985 and will remain in effect until a decision is rendered on the application for a temporary variance.
Abstract: Application was made by ASARCO, Inc. for a temporary variance and interim order from 1910.1025(k)(l)(i)(D)--occupational exposure to lead. Interim order was granted and became effective on April 17, 1985 and will remain in effect until a decision is rendered on the application for a temporary variance.