- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:50:27233-44
- Standard Number:
- Title:State Plan Benchmarks
- Abstract:
Approval of Iowa (IA) State plan, Region VII, to amend Subpart J of Part 1952 to approve revised compliance staffing require- ments and to grant final approval of the Iowa State plan. Federal OSHA standards and enforcement authority no longer apply to occupational safety and health issues covered by the Iowa plan, and authority for Federal concurrent jurisdiction is relinquished. Federal enforcement jurisdiction is retained over maritime employment in the private sector; bridge construction projects over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers between Iowa and other States; Federal government-owned, contractor-operated military/munitions facilities;and private sector hazardous waste disposal facilities designated as "Superfund sites". Federal jurisdiction also remains in effect with respect to Federal government employers and employees. The effective date is July 2, 1985.
Abstract: Approval of Iowa (IA) State plan, Region VII, to amend Subpart J of Part 1952 to approve revised compliance staffing require- ments and to grant final approval of the Iowa State plan. Federal OSHA standards and enforcement authority no longer apply to occupational safety and health issues covered by the Iowa plan, and authority for Federal concurrent jurisdiction is relinquished. Federal enforcement jurisdiction is retained over maritime employment in the private sector; bridge construction projects over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers between Iowa and other States; Federal government-owned, contractor-operated military/munitions facilities; and private sector hazardous waste disposal facilities designated as "Superfund sites". Federal jurisdiction also remains in effect with respect to Federal government employers and employees. The effective date is July 2, 1985.