- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:50:32844-6
- Standard Number:
- Title:Discrimination Complaints
- Abstract:
Section 11(c) complaint filing period; interpretative rule. The grievance-arbitration and filing with another agency tolling provisions are deleted from 1977.15(d)(3) and that paragraph is being modified to expressly state that the pendency of grievance-arbitration proceedings on filing with another agency does not toll the 30-day period for filing of section 11(c) complaints.
Abstract: Section 11(c) complaint filing period; interpretative rule. The grievance-arbitration and filing with another agency tolling provisions are deleted from 1977.15(d)(3) and that paragraph is being modified to expressly state that the pendency of grievance-arbitration proceedings on filing with another agency does not toll the 30-day period for filing of section 11(c) complaints.