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  • Abstract:

    Variance granted to Union Boiler Company from the standards prescribed in 1926.451(1)(5) concerning boatswain's chairs, (now moot), and in 1926.552(c)(2), (c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(8), (c)(14)(i), (c)(14)(iii) and (c)(16). The effective date of the variance is October 4, 1985. The variance shall remain in effect unless modified or revoked.

Variance granted to Union Boiler Company from the 
standards prescribed in 1926.451(1)(5) concerning 
boatswain's chairs, (now moot), and in 1926.552(c)(2), 
(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(8), (c)(14)(i), (c)(14)(iii) and 
(c)(16). The effective date of the variance is October 
4, 1985. The variance shall remain in effect unless 
modified or revoked.