• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Oregon (OR) State standards, Region X, pertaining to amendments of State standards which are comparable to Occupational Exposure to Ethylene Oxide (1910.1047); Table Z-1, Ethylene Oxide (1910. 1000); Special Provisions for Air Contaminants, Ethylene Oxide (1910. 19) ; Change in Effective Date and Approval of Information Collection Requirements, Ethylene Oxide (1910.1047). The State standards are substantially identical to the comparable Federal standards amendments. The effective date is March 14, 1986.

Approval of Oregon (OR) State standards, Region X, pertaining to
amendments of State standards which are comparable to Occupational
Exposure to Ethylene Oxide (1910.1047); Table Z-1, Ethylene Oxide
(1910. 1000); Special Provisions for Air Contaminants, Ethylene
Oxide (1910. 19) ; Change in Effective Date and Approval of
Information Collection Requirements, Ethylene Oxide (1910.1047). The
State standards are substantially identical to the comparable
Federal standards amendments. The effective date is March 14, 1986.