- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:51:8819-21
- Standard Number:
- Title:State Plan Benchmarks
- Abstract:
Approval of revised compliance staffing benchmarks for the South Carolina (SC) State plan, Region IV. This notice will correct the duplicated sections in 1952.102, (Level of Federal Enforcement) and 1952.101 (Where the plan may be inspected) by redesignating 1952.100, 1952.101, 1952.102, 1952.103, 1952.104, 1952.105 and 1952.106 under Subpart C as 1952.90, 1952.91, 1952.92, 1952.93, 1952.94, 1952.95 and 1952.96, and by making minor editorial modifications to reflect these redesignations. The effective date is March 14, 1986.
Abstract: Approval of revised compliance staffing benchmarks for the South Carolina (SC) State plan, Region IV. This notice will correct the duplicated sections in 1952.102, (Level of Federal Enforcement) and 1952.101 (Where the plan may be inspected) by redesignating 1952.100, 1952.101, 1952.102, 1952.103, 1952.104, 1952.105 and 1952.106 under Subpart C as 1952.90, 1952.91, 1952.92, 1952.93, 1952.94, 1952.95 and 1952.96, and by making minor editorial modifications to reflect these redesignations. The effective date is March 14, 1986.