• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Proposed Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    Recordkeeping Requirements
  • Abstract:

    This notice schedules an informal public hearing concerning the proposed revision of certain recordkeeping requirements in 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1915 for tests, inspections and maintenance checks. Under the proposal, compliance with the substantive requirements would be certified by the employer instead of being documented with written records (51 FR 312, January 3, 1986). OSHA is not proceeding with consideration of the proposed revisions to 1926.550(b)(2), Cranes and derricks; 1926.552(c)(15), Material hoists, personnel hoists, and elevators; and 1926.903, Underground transportation of explosives, because OSHA did not formally consult with the Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health regarding those provisions. Therefore, OSHA is not seeking any testimony or other input regarding those recordkeeping requirements at this time. Written comments, objections, and requests for a hearing were to be postmarked by March 4, 1986.

This notice schedules an informal public hearing concerning the
proposed revision of certain recordkeeping requirements in 29 CFR
Parts 1910 and 1915 for tests, inspections and maintenance checks.
Under the proposal, compliance with the substantive requirements
would be certified by the employer instead of being documented with
written records (51 FR 312, January 3, 1986). OSHA is not proceeding
with consideration of the proposed revisions to 1926.550(b)(2),
Cranes and derricks; 1926.552(c)(15), Material hoists, personnel
hoists, and elevators; and 1926.903, Underground transportation of
explosives, because OSHA did not formally consult with the Advisory
Committee on Construction Safety and Health regarding those
provisions. Therefore, OSHA is not seeking any testimony or other
input regarding those recordkeeping requirements at this time.
Written comments, objections, and requests for a hearing were to be
postmarked by March 4, 1986.