- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:51:33033-34
- Standard Number:
- Title:Diving
- Abstract:
Amends paragraph (e)(1) of the section on equipment in the commercial diving standard, 1910.430, by correcting a reference to the OSHA standards on compressed gas cylinders and equipment to read "1910. 101 and 1910.169-171," instead of "1910.166-171." Sections 1910.166-168 were deleted in 1984 (49 FR 5318) because they repeated provisions also found in 1910.101. This amendment is effective September 18, 1986.
Abstract: Amends paragraph (e)(1) of the section on equipment in the commercial diving standard, 1910.430, by correcting a reference to the OSHA standards on compressed gas cylinders and equipment to read "1910. 101 and 1910.169-171," instead of "1910.166-171." Sections 1910.166-168 were deleted in 1984 (49 FR 5318) because they repeated provisions also found in 1910.101. This amendment is effective September 18, 1986.