• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Final Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
  • Abstract:

    Amends paragraph (e)(1) of the section on equipment in the commercial diving standard, 1910.430, by correcting a reference to the OSHA standards on compressed gas cylinders and equipment to read "1910. 101 and 1910.169-171," instead of "1910.166-171." Sections 1910.166-168 were deleted in 1984 (49 FR 5318) because they repeated provisions also found in 1910.101. This amendment is effective September 18, 1986.

Amends paragraph (e)(1) of the section on equipment in the
commercial diving standard, 1910.430, by correcting a reference to
the OSHA standards on compressed gas cylinders and equipment to read
"1910. 101 and 1910.169-171," instead of "1910.166-171." Sections
1910.166-168 were deleted in 1984 (49 FR 5318) because they repeated
provisions also found in 1910.101. This amendment is effective
September 18, 1986.