- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:51:33251-61
- Standard Number:
- Title:Signs and Tags
- Abstract:
Amendment of standards for Accident Prevention Tags, 1910.145(f), which address the temporary marking of workplace hazards, to establish performance criteria for tag design and construction. Employees will be allowed to use pictographs, words or a combination of both in addition to the signal word or words currently used. Regulates the design and the application of the biological hazard tag. Requires that single word or phrases of all accident prevention tags be capable of being read at a distance of five feet (1.5 m) and requires the employer to use, as a minimum, a two-tier hazard classification system with the signal words "Danger" or "Caution" on accident prevention tags. Effective date is November 3, 1986.
Abstract: Amendment of standards for Accident Prevention Tags, 1910.145(f), which address the temporary marking of workplace hazards, to establish performance criteria for tag design and construction. Employees will be allowed to use pictographs, words or a combination of both in addition to the signal word or words currently used. Regulates the design and the application of the biological hazard tag. Requires that single word or phrases of all accident prevention tags be capable of being read at a distance of five feet (1.5 m) and requires the employer to use, as a minimum, a two-tier hazard classification system with the signal words "Danger" or "Caution" on accident prevention tags. Effective date is November 3, 1986.