- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:51:34552-62
- Standard Number:
- Title:Recordkeeping Requirements
- Abstract:
Revision of recordkeeping requirements for tests, inspections, and maintenance checks to minimize the paperwork burdens imposed on employers. The revised provisions require that the employer prepare a certification record, at the time the work is done, which includes the date the test, inspection, or maintenance check was performed;the signature of the person who performed the work; and the identity of the equipment or machinery that was inspected or tested. Parts affected: 1915.113--Shackles and hooks, paragraph (b)(1) is revised;1915.272-- Portable air receivers and other unfired pressure vessels, paragraph (d) is revised. The revisions will become effective October 29, 1986.
Abstract: Revision of recordkeeping requirements for tests, inspections, and maintenance checks to minimize the paperwork burdens imposed on employers. The revised provisions require that the employer prepare a certification record, at the time the work is done, which includes the date the test, inspection, or maintenance check was performed; the signature of the person who performed the work; and the identity of the equipment or machinery that was inspected or tested. Parts affected: 1915.113--Shackles and hooks, paragraph (b)(1) is revised; 1915.272-- Portable air receivers and other unfired pressure vessels, paragraph (d) is revised. The revisions will become effective October 29, 1986.