- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Notice
- Fed Register #:51:41033
- Standard Number:
- Title:State Standards
- Abstract:
Approval of Virginia (VA) State standards, Region III, pertaining to Marine Terminals Standard (1917); Ethylene Oxide (1910.1047);amendments to Commercial Diving Standard (Part 1910, Subpart T);amendments to Coke Oven Emissions Standards (1910.1029); amendments to Power Lawnmower Standard (1910.243); amendments to Ethylene Oxide Standard, Labeling Requirements (1910.1047); amendments to Hazard Communication, Trade Secrets (1910.1200); amendments to Cotton Dust Standard (1910.1043). The State standards are identical to the comparable Federal standards. The effective date of this decision is November 12, 1986.
Abstract: Approval of Virginia (VA) State standards, Region III, pertaining to Marine Terminals Standard (1917); Ethylene Oxide (1910.1047); amendments to Commercial Diving Standard (Part 1910, Subpart T); amendments to Coke Oven Emissions Standards (1910.1029); amendments to Power Lawnmower Standard (1910.243); amendments to Ethylene Oxide Standard, Labeling Requirements (1910.1047); amendments to Hazard Communication, Trade Secrets (1910.1200); amendments to Cotton Dust Standard (1910.1043). The State standards are identical to the comparable Federal standards. The effective date of this decision is November 12, 1986.