• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Proposed Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
  • Abstract:

    Safety standards for scaffolds used in the Construction Industry. The standards proposed for revision regulate the design, construction and use of all scaffolds in construction. The proposed revisions would continue to address employee exposure, but would do so using performance criteria, where possible, rather than specifications standards. Appendix A to Subpart L provides scaffold specifications. Comments and hearing requests must be postmarked by February 23, 1987.

Safety standards for scaffolds used in the Construction Industry.
The standards proposed for revision regulate the design,
construction and use of all scaffolds in construction. The proposed
revisions would continue to address employee exposure, but would do
so using performance criteria, where possible, rather than
specifications standards. Appendix A to Subpart L provides scaffold
specifications. Comments and hearing requests must be postmarked by
February 23, 1987.