• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Notice of approval of Oregon (OR) State standards, Region X, pertaining to Longshoring (Part 1918). The State standard is identical to the comparable Federal standard except that the Longshoring Standard covers only the public sector. Other differences are the incorporation of the State's rules numbering system, references to other State rules, and editorial changes. This decision is effective January 6, 1987.

Notice of approval of Oregon (OR) State standards, Region X,
pertaining to Longshoring (Part 1918). The State standard is
identical to the comparable Federal standard except that the
Longshoring Standard covers only the public sector. Other
differences are the incorporation of the State's rules numbering
system, references to other State rules, and editorial changes. This
decision is effective January 6, 1987.