• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of New Mexico (NM) State standards, Region VI, pertaining to Commercial Diving Operations [Amended] (1910.401), Coke Oven Emissions [Amended] (1910.1029), Ethylene Oxide [Amended] (1910.1047), Hazard Communication [Amended] (1910.1200), and Cotton Dust [Amended] (1910.1043). The State standards are identical to the Federal standards. The effective date is April 10, 1987.

Approval of New Mexico (NM) State standards, Region VI, pertaining
to Commercial Diving Operations [Amended] (1910.401), Coke Oven
Emissions [Amended] (1910.1029), Ethylene Oxide [Amended]
(1910.1047), Hazard Communication [Amended] (1910.1200), and Cotton
Dust [Amended] (1910.1043). The State standards are identical to the
Federal standards. The effective date is April 10, 1987.