- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Proposed Rule
- Fed Register #:52:12120-23
- Standard Number:
- Title:Construction
- Abstract:
Revision of Construction Industry Test and Inspection Records. This document revises three construction industry recordkeeping requirements to minimize paperwork and to clarify what information is needed. The certification record would be prepared at the time the required work (inspection or test) is done and would include the date the inspection or test was made; the signature of the person who performed the work; and the identity of the equipment or machinery that was inspected or tested. Standards affected: 1926.550(b)(2)--Crawler, locomotive and truck;1926.552(c)(15)--Material hoists, personnel hoists and elevators;and 1926.903(3)--Underground transportation of explosives. Written comments, objections, and requests for a hearing must be postmarked by June 15, 1987.
Abstract: Revision of Construction Industry Test and Inspection Records. This document revises three construction industry recordkeeping requirements to minimize paperwork and to clarify what information is needed. The certification record would be prepared at the time the required work (inspection or test) is done and would include the date the inspection or test was made; the signature of the person who performed the work; and the identity of the equipment or machinery that was inspected or tested. Standards affected: 1926.550(b)(2)--Crawler, locomotive and truck; 1926.552(c)(15)--Material hoists, personnel hoists and elevators; and 1926.903(3)--Underground transportation of explosives. Written comments, objections, and requests for a hearing must be postmarked by June 15, 1987.