• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Final Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
  • Abstract:

    Extension of partial administrative stay of the revised final standards for occupational exposure to asbestos, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite for general industry (1910.1001) and construction (1926.58), insofar as they apply to occupational exposure to non-asbestiform tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite. The current partial stay which expired on April 21, 1987 is being extended until July 21, 1988. Minor conforming amendments to notes to the affected standards are also being made.

Extension of partial administrative stay of the revised final
standards for occupational exposure to asbestos, tremolite,
anthophyllite, and actinolite for general industry (1910.1001) and
construction (1926.58), insofar as they apply to occupational
exposure to non-asbestiform tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite.
The current partial stay which expired on April 21, 1987 is being
extended until July 21, 1988. Minor conforming amendments to notes
to the affected standards are also being made.