• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Maryland (MD) State standards, Region III, pertaining to revisions to the Electrical Standards for Construction (1926, Subpart K); corrections and amendments to Commercial Diving Standard (1910.430); amendments to Accident Prevention Tags (1910.145);amendments, corrections, and revisions to Employer Certifications of Equipment Maintenance Inspections and Checks (1910). The State standards are identical to the comparable Federal standards. This decision is effective May 5, 1987.

Approval of Maryland (MD) State standards, Region III, pertaining to
revisions to the Electrical Standards for Construction (1926,
Subpart K); corrections and amendments to Commercial Diving Standard
(1910.430); amendments to Accident Prevention Tags (1910.145);
amendments, corrections, and revisions to Employer Certifications of
Equipment Maintenance Inspections and Checks (1910). The State
standards are identical to the comparable Federal standards. This
decision is effective May 5, 1987.