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  • Fed Register #:
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  • Abstract:

    Application by ASARCO Inc. for a permanent variance from the provision in the lead standard [1910.1025(f)(2), Table II] limiting the use of half-mask, air-purifying respirators equipped with high efficiency filters, to areas where the lead concentration in air is not in excess of 500 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The applicant has requested that it be authorized, under specified conditions, to permit employees to wear such respirators where they are exposed to lead at concentrations in excess of that concentration. Comments and requests for a hearing must be submitted by July 27, 1987.

Application by ASARCO Inc. for a permanent variance from the
provision in the lead standard [1910.1025(f)(2), Table II] limiting
the use of half-mask, air-purifying respirators equipped with high
efficiency filters, to areas where the lead concentration in air is
not in excess of 500 micrograms per cubic meter of air. The
applicant has requested that it be authorized, under specified
conditions, to permit employees to wear such respirators where they
are exposed to lead at concentrations in excess of that
concentration. Comments and requests for a hearing must be submitted
by July 27, 1987.