• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Utah (UT) State standards, Region VIII, pertaining to Accident Prevention Tags [1910.145(f)]. The State standards are substantially identical to Federal 1910.145(p) except for the following minor differences: paragraph numbering; biological hazard symbol not included in text per Utah rulemaking restrictions;Federal Appendix A is Utah rule paragraph 145.6.10 because Utah rulemaking does not allow appendices; and Federal Appendix B is not included. The State standard is at least as effective as the Federal standard. This decision is effective July 17, 1987.

Approval of Utah (UT) State standards, Region VIII, pertaining to
Accident Prevention Tags [1910.145(f)]. The State standards are
substantially identical to Federal 1910.145(p) except for the
following minor differences: paragraph numbering; biological hazard
symbol not included in text per Utah rulemaking restrictions;
Federal Appendix A is Utah rule paragraph 145.6.10 because Utah
rulemaking does not allow appendices; and Federal Appendix B is not
included. The State standard is at least as effective as the Federal
standard. This decision is effective July 17, 1987.