• Publication Date:
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  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Iowa (IA) State standards, Region VII, pertaining to Occupational Exposure to Ethylene Oxide, Labeling Requirements [1910. 1047]; Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust, Final Rule [1910.19, 1910. 1000, and 1910.1043]; Electrical Standards for Construction, Amendments [1926.151, 1926.152, 1926.351, 1926.803, 1926.400, 1926.401, 1926.402, 1926.403, 1926.404, 1926.405, 1926.406, 1926.407, 1926.408, 1926.409- 1926.415, 1926.416, 1926.417, 1926.431, 1926.432, 1926.433-1926.440, 1916.441, 1926.442-1926.448 and 1926.449]; Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust, Corrections and Information Collection Requirements Approval; Occupational Exposure to Ethylene Oxide, Amendments [1910. 1047]; Commercial Diving Standard, Amendments [1910.430]. The State standards are identical to the comparable Federal standards. Effective date: March 16, 1988.

Approval of Iowa (IA) State standards, Region VII, pertaining to
Occupational Exposure to Ethylene Oxide, Labeling Requirements
[1910. 1047]; Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust, Final Rule
[1910.19, 1910. 1000, and 1910.1043]; Electrical Standards for
Construction, Amendments [1926.151, 1926.152, 1926.351, 1926.803,
1926.400, 1926.401, 1926.402, 1926.403, 1926.404, 1926.405,
1926.406, 1926.407, 1926.408, 1926.409- 1926.415, 1926.416,
1926.417, 1926.431, 1926.432, 1926.433-1926.440, 1916.441,
1926.442-1926.448 and 1926.449]; Occupational Exposure to Cotton
Dust, Corrections and Information Collection Requirements Approval;
Occupational Exposure to Ethylene Oxide, Amendments [1910. 1047];
Commercial Diving Standard, Amendments [1910.430]. The State
standards are identical to the comparable Federal standards.
Effective date: March 16, 1988.