• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    State Standards
  • Abstract:

    Approval of Arizona (AZ) State standards, Region IX, pertaining to Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite [1910.1001 and 1926. 58]; Electrical Standards for Construction, Subpart K [1926]; Accident Prevention Tags [1910.145]; Recordkeeping Requirements for Tests, Inspection, and Maintenance Checks [1910 and 1915]; Hazard Communication - Definition of Trade Secret and Disclosure of Trade Secrets to Employees, Designated Representatives and Nurses [1910.1200]. The State standards are identical to the Federal standards. Effective date: March 30, 1988.

Approval of Arizona (AZ) State standards, Region IX, pertaining to
Asbestos, Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite [1910.1001 and
1926. 58]; Electrical Standards for Construction, Subpart K [1926];
Accident Prevention Tags [1910.145]; Recordkeeping Requirements for
Tests, Inspection, and Maintenance Checks [1910 and 1915]; Hazard
Communication - Definition of Trade Secret and Disclosure of Trade
Secrets to Employees, Designated Representatives and Nurses
[1910.1200]. The State standards are identical to the Federal
standards. Effective date: March 30, 1988.