• Publication Date:
  • Publication Type:
    Final Rule
  • Fed Register #:
  • Standard Number:
  • Title:
    Air Contaminants; Acetone; Calcium Hydroxide; Nitroglycerin; Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate; Perchloroethylene
OSHA reduced exposure limits for 375 air contaminants on January 19,
1989 at 54 FR 2332. OSHA is granting a petition for reconsideration
of the Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) for acetone of 1000 ppm for
the cellulose acetate fiber industry and it is not in effect for
that industry. The STEL remains in effect for all other industries
except the cellulose acetate fiber industry. The Time Weighted
Average (TWA) of 750 ppm for acetone is stayed until September 1,
1990 for one operation in the cellulose acetate fiber industry. OSHA
is also granting a petition for reconsideration of the new limit of
5 mg/m(3) for calcium hydroxide and it is not in effect. The prior
limit of 5 mg/ m(3) respirable dust and 15 mg/m(3) total dust as a
particulate not otherwise regulated remains in effect. A stay of the
ceiling limit for carbon monoxide is granted for three operations in
the steel industry. A stay of the ceiling limits for nitroglycerin
and ethylene glycol dinitrate is granted to the explosives industry
until October 1, 1989. A stay until October 1, 1989 is granted to
the drycleaning industry for the new limit for perchloroethylene.
These actions take effect on September 1, 1989.