This notice schedules informal public hearings concerning the notice
of proposed rulemaking which OSHA issued on June 5, 1989 (54 FR
24080) on permit required confined spaces. The hearings are
scheduled to begin at Washington D.C. November 14, and Houston, TX
December 5, 1989. Notices of intention to appear must be postmarked
by October 25, 1989; testimony and evidence must be postmarked by
November 1 for the Washington, DC hearing and by November 17, 1989
for the Houston hearing. A third hearing, in Los Angeles, is being
considered; date, location and subject matter will be published
later if it is decided to hold it. Issues to be addressed include:
regulation of permit spaces in industries for which
industry-specific standards have been issued; coverage of
construction, agriculture and maritime employment; accuracy of
monitoring and testing devices; permit space identification
guidelines; entry permit programs; reevaluation of a work space;
number of spaces to be monitored by a single attendant; reliance on
remote radios; rescue team qualifications and training; low-hazard
permit spaces; access to MSDs and other information. For information
contact Mr. Tom Hall, OSHA Division of Consumer Affairs