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    Survey of Occupational Exposure to Air Contaminants in Construction

OSHA is submitting a request to OMB for approval for a one-time- only survey to support an assessment of the technological and economic feasibility of setting new permissible exposure limits (PELs) for air contaminants in the construction industry. OMB has been requested to complete its review by 2/20/90. A sample of establishments throughout SICs 15, 16, and 17 will be surveyed. Questions are designed to, 1) identify characteristics of the establishment and the construction project on which specific exposure data will be gathered, 2) verify/ modify list of activities associated with the establishment category, along with chemicals and products associated with each activity, and 3) determine the extent of employee involvement in each activity and the nature of corresponding chemical exposures including use of work practices and exposure controls. Information on exposure levels and monitoring data will also be solicited. For information call Paul Larson, (202)523-6331.