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    Approval of Arizona State Standards

OSHA has approved the following Arizona State standards, which are identical to federal standards: 29 CFR 1910.1001 and 1926.58, Asbestos; 1910.1200, Hazard Communication; 1910.1028, Benzene;1910.177, Servicing Multi-Piece and Single Piece Rim Wheels;1910.268, Revision of Telecommunication Training Records; 1926, Revision of Construction Industry Test and Inspection Records;1910.1048, Formaldehyde;1910.272, Grain Handling Facilities;1910.217, Presence Sensing Device Initiation of Mechanical Power Presses; 1910.1047, Ethylene Oxide; 1910.7 Safety Training or Certification of Certain Workplace Equipment and Materials; 1926, Subpart Q, Concrete and Masonry Construction; 1926.550, Crane or Derrick Suspended Personnel Platforms; 1910.1001 and 1926.58, Asbestos; 1910.20, Access to Employee Medical Records;1910.1000, Air Contaminants; 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response; 1926, Subpart S, Underground Construction. Decision is effective 8/9/90.