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    Application of ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc. for expansion of recognition as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory;Preliminary Findings

ETL Testing Laboratories, Inc., previously approved (54 FR 37845, 9/ 13/89) as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, submitted an application for expansion of its current recognition for equipment or materials as listed in the notice. The concerned laboratories are ETL Testing Laboratories in Cortland, NY; Norcross, GA; and South San Francisco, CA. OSHA has made a preliminary finding that the equipment and expertise required are within the capabilities of the laboratory, and that the proposed additional test standards (product categories) can be added to ETL''s recognition. Detailed reasons and evidence supporting or challenging the proposed expansion must be submitted by 11/26/90. CONTACT: James Concannon, Director, Office of Variance Determination, NRTL Recognition Program, OSHA.