- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:55:47660
- Standard Number:
- Title:Final Rule on Safety Standards for Stairways and Ladders Used in the Construction Industry
OSHA is amending its Construction Industry Standards by revising and relocating the existing provisions for stairways and ladders from existing Subpart L - Ladders and Scaffolds and Subpart M - Floors and Wall Openings, and Stairways, into subpart X. This final rule reformats the rules into a more logical grouping of topics. This revision also focuses on the principal hazards involved when working on stairways and ladders and eliminates what OSHA believes to be unnecessary and redundant provisions in the existing standards. The provisions of existing Subpart X - Effective Dates are deleted as they are no longer necessary. EFFECTIVE: This revision of Subpart X becomes effective January 14, 1991.