- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Notice
- Fed Register #:56:22450
- Standard Number:
- Title:Approval of Kentucky State Standards
OSHA has approved the following Kentucky State standards amendments, revisions, and new sections, which are comparable to Federal standards: 29 CFR 1910; 29 CFR 1926; 1910.1047; 1910.243(e);1926.903(o); 1926. 910(b); 1926.600-602; 1910.1043; 1910.119(f);1910.1000; 1910.1200; 1910.68, .106, .157, .179, .180, .181, .217, .218, .252 and .440; 1915. 113; 1915.172; 1910.145; 1910.430;1910.1001; 1926.58 and .55; 1910. 1043; 1926, subpart K; 1910.1028;1910.19; 1910.16; 1910.177; 1917.1; 1910.268; 1926;550, .552 and .903; 1910.272; 1917.72; 1928.110; 1910. 217, .211, .272; 1910.20;1910.120. These standards were promulgated after public hearings held on December 18, 1984, June 12, 1985, June 4, 1986, December 4, 1986, December 1, 1987, March 8, 1988, June 1, 1988, March 1, 1989, and May 31, 1989. Having reviewed the State submissions in comparison with Federal Standards, it has been determined that the State standards are identical to the Federal Standards and are hereby approved. The decision is effective May 15, 1991.