- Publication Date:
- Publication Type:Final Rule
- Fed Register #:56:41793
- Standard Number:
- Title:Technical Amendment to Standard for Stairways and Ladders Used in the Construction Industry.
This rule amends the Standard for Stairways and Ladders Used in the Construction Industry, which was recently revised and published in the Federal Register on 11/14/90 (55 FR 47660). In 1926.1052(c)(1), OSHA inadvertently blurred the distinction between the stairrail and handrail requirements, leaving out the requirement for at least one handrail for stairways which had been contained in the proposal (the proposal was published on 11/25/86 at 51 FR 42750). To correct this error, OSHA is returning to the language of the proposed rule, setting out the handrail and stairrail requirements separately. In this way, the Agency will clearly state that all stairways regulated under 1926. 1052(c)(1) must have at least one handrail. In 1926.1053(a)(3) a method of measuring the rung spacing for individual rung ladders was inadvertently omitted from the final rule when OSHA consolidated two measuring methods contained in the proposal into one paragraph in the final rule. This error is being corrected by revising paragraph (a)(e) (i) of the final rule to require that the spacing for all fixed ladders be measured between the center lines of the rungs, cleats, and steps. In this way, the Agency will provide proper guidance to employers who use individual-rung/step ladders, without substantively changing the requirements for other fixed ladders. Effective Date: 8/23/91. Contact: James Foster (202)523-8151.