• Publication Date:
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    Final Rule
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  • Title:
    Corrections to Final Rule on Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Explosives and Blasting Agents


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

29 CFR Part 1910

RIN 1218-AB20

Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals; Explosives and Blasting Agents


In rule document 92-3917 beginning on page 6356 in the issue of February 24, 1992, make the following corrections:

1. On pages 6356 through 6417 the date at the top of each page should read "February 24, 1992".

2. On page 6403, in the second column, in the second paragraph from the bottom of the page, insert "3." before the amendatory instruction.

1910.119 [Corrected]

3. On the same page, in the third column, in 1910.119(b), in the last paragraph, in the fourth line, "spark-producing" was misspelled.

4. On page 6404, in the third column, in 1910.119(e)(1)(i), in the first line, "50" should read "25".

5. On the same page, in the same column, in 1910.119(e)(1)(iii), in the first line, "than" was misspelled.

6. On the same page, in the same column, in 1910.119(e)(1)(v), in the fifth line, "The" should read "These".

7. On page 6405, in the first column, in 1910.119(e)(3)(iii), in the first line, "Engineering" was misspelled; and in the third line, "interrelationships" was misspelled.

8. On the same page, in the same column, in 1910.119(f)(1), in the fourth line, "safety" should read "safely".

Appendix A to 1910.119 [Corrected]

9. On page 6407, in the second column, in the table, the entry for Carbonyl Fluoride was incomplete. Following the entry for Carbonyl Fluoride, insert "353-50-4" in the second column of the table; and insert "2500" in the third column of the table.

Appendix C to 1910.119 [Corrected]

10. On page 6412, in the second column, in the second full paragraph, "operations." should read "operation."

11. On page 6416, in the 3d column, in the 2d full paragraph, in the 15th line, "affective" should read "affected".

Billing Code 1505-01-D