• Publication Date:
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  • Fed Register #:
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  • Title:
    OSHA Training Institute Education Centers

This notice announces the opportunity for interested organizations to submit applications to become OSHA Training Institute Education Centers. The OSHA Training Institute in Des Plaines, Illinois conducts 73 short-term technical training courses in OSHA standards, policies and procedures for persons responsible for enforcing or directly supporting the OSH Act, private sector employers and employees, and Federal personnel from other than OSHA. The Institute''s primary responsibility is to Federal and State compliance officers and State consultation program staff; private sector and Federal personnel from agencies other than OSHA receive training on an "as available" basis. In order to accommodate an increasing number of training requests, OSHA is proposing a pilot project to test the feasibility of using public or private colleges and universities or other nonprofit training organizations to conduct five OSHA Training Institute courses for private sector personnel and for Federal personnel from agencies other than OSHA. Complete application instructions and information are contained in this notice. Applications will be rated on a competitive basis and approximately two organizations will be selected to participate in the pilot project. Applications must be received by 5/ 15/92. For information, contact Ronald Mouw, (708) 297-4810.